It's all good.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's wonderful on a summer's afternoon...

I told everyone at work that if there are three nice days in a row, I will buy everyone ice cream. Specifically, I will buy everyone Snack and a Half's - my favourite ice cream treat of all time.

I haven't had to buy anyone any ice cream yet. I thought I was going to come close this week, when we had sunny weather on Tuesday and yesterday. Then early this morning there was a huge thunderstorm, and it rained all morning. It's partly cloudy and warm now, but I don't think that qualifies as a nice day.

Since we did come so close to having nice weather though, I thought I should work on the definition of a "nice day", as it pertains to me buying ice cream. Here's what I have come up with so far:

Three nice days defined:

1. Days 1 and 2 must be sunny during working hours (or at least every time I look out the window when I am at work).

2. If Days 1 and 2 are on the weekend, then they must be sunny for most of the day, such that one is tempted to be outside during most daylight hours, and not hide inside or have alternate backup plans.

3. Day 3 must be sunny with no precipitation until noon (this will likely be the purchase time for ice cream).

4. If Day 3 is on the weekend, it must be sunny most of the day (see number 2). Ice cream will be purchased on Monday at lunch.

If only it didn't rain this morning. I could have been eating ice cream for dessert at lunch. Oh well, maybe next week.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The best thing about a Monday is that I work a short day. The best thing about today so far was that my work day was blissfully uneventful, and I even had time to read a few articles.

The weekend was pretty busy. On my day off on Friday, I spent a large portion of the day finally sorting through my recycling. I have to bring all my paper, plastic, metal, etc to the recycling bins myself. If you know me at all, you know that I am a procrastinator, so it should not surprise you that I have not done this for a month or so. Well, actually I can't remember the last time I did it. Maybe last year?

Anyways, now the junk in my storage room is at a manageable level, and I am itching to go through every crevice of my apartment and purge unnecessary items.

I also made a quick trip to the Annapolis Valley on Saturday and Sunday. My BF (henceforth referred to as M - because it's quicker to type) was presiding over a funeral for one of his former parishioners, and I went for moral support. I got to meet several members of his Valley fan club who were most excited to see him. We stayed at a delightful Inn that made me think of the Dragonfly Inn from Gilmore Girls. Our room was fantastic, and I had one of the most delicious breakfasts of my life. We also saw fireworks on Saturday night! And we visited the Just Us cafe.

I wasn't planning on such a busy weekend, and I find myself a bit worn out today. Hopefully this week will be calm-ish, because next weekend, I'm back on the road again!

Monday, July 20, 2009

It's a sunshine day

Oh my goodness, I had forgotten what the sunshine felt like.

We have had two days in a row of sunshine! Two! It has been gloriously splendid to feel warm and wear sunscreen. Yesterday I spent most of the day at the BF's house, and we lounged in the backyard for a good portion of the afternoon. It was then that we discovered that pillows and Adirondack chairs are a wonderful combination. Add a Diet Pepsi (or two) to the mix, and I was in heaven.

I did have plans to go home this weekend, but the week at work was absolutely insane, and I found myself completely exhausted on Friday. So I decided to give myself some TLC and save myself from 7 hours of driving. It was a good decision, because I feel really really relaxed and well-rested today. :)

It's amazing what sunshine and sleep will do for one's spirit.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Happy Harry Potter Day!

Today was a most special day. It was the opening day of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

I always make a point of seeing the HP movies on the first day. I remember my very first HP movie. I went at Bayer's Lake in Hali with some school friends. We were at the cinema two hours before the movie started, and we spent most of that time waiting in a roped-off "corral" in the lobby. Line-up? Who needs a line-up when you can herd people together like cattle? That's totally civilized.

Since that first event, I try to gather a posse of HP fans to share in the excitement of opening day.

This year, I went with three friends. Fortunately, I had pre-purchased tickets online. Kyle and I suppered at the mall, and ended up being the 2nd and 3rd people in line for the 8:00 show. We were there at 6:00. It didn't take long to for the line-up to grow. Donna-Marie joined us at 6:30, and Charles got there a half hour after that.

We did get prime seats - center of the row, middle of the theatre. Nothing to complain about. And I got popcorn.

And the movie was good. I won't spoil it for you all. But I will say that I did enjoy it. :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Mmm... cupcakes


Two days in a row!

I have just returned from a delightfully busy evening. Michelle and I went out for supper and had an "old-fashioned Monday", meaning that we went to Canadian Tire and grocery shopping at the Superstore.

I purchased a couple of "cupcake" cake mixes. As far as I can tell, they are half of a regular cake mix, so they make twelve cupcakes instead of twenty-four. As far as I'm concerned, that's brilliant, because I find it difficult to go through a whole batch of cupcakes before they go stale. And now that I have my fabulous cupcake transporter and decorator (birthday gifts from coworkers), I anticipate making and eating a lot of cupcakes.

I'll let you know how the smaller mix turns out.


Sunday, July 12, 2009

*hangs head in shame*

So who's a neglectful blogger?

Contrary to popular belief, I have not dropped off the face of the earth. Nor did I decide to stay in Scotland and never go back home. No need to send out a search party.

Life has been busy. Life has been wonderful.

Just got back from a weekend in PEI. I helped celebrate my sister and littlest brother's birthdays. I saw the Stan Rogers show at the Mack, and I met the BF's parents and introduced him to my dad. I went to the beach and soaked up some wonderful sunshine.
