The best thing about a Monday is that I work a short day. The best thing about today so far was that my work day was blissfully uneventful, and I even had time to read a few articles.
The weekend was pretty busy. On my day off on Friday, I spent a large portion of the day finally sorting through my recycling. I have to bring all my paper, plastic, metal, etc to the recycling bins myself. If you know me at all, you know that I am a procrastinator, so it should not surprise you that I have not done this for a month or so. Well, actually I can't remember the last time I did it. Maybe last year?
Anyways, now the junk in my storage room is at a manageable level, and I am itching to go through every crevice of my apartment and purge unnecessary items.
I also made a quick trip to the Annapolis Valley on Saturday and Sunday. My BF (henceforth referred to as M - because it's quicker to type) was presiding over a funeral for one of his former parishioners, and I went for moral support. I got to meet several members of his Valley fan club who were most excited to see him. We stayed at a delightful Inn that made me think of the Dragonfly Inn from Gilmore Girls. Our room was fantastic, and I had one of the most delicious breakfasts of my life. We also saw fireworks on Saturday night! And we visited the Just Us cafe.
I wasn't planning on such a busy weekend, and I find myself a bit worn out today. Hopefully this week will be calm-ish, because next weekend, I'm back on the road again!
Why exactly were there fireworks in the Annapolis Valley on Saturday night?
Who knows? I like to think that they were for me.
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