It's all good.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Oh the weather outside is frightful...

Well, not quite. But, for the record, it did SNOW here last night!

As in, I had to clean three INCHES of snow off my car this morning.

As in, I was a nervous wreck driving to Woodstock with the first "wet roads with freezing temperature" driving conditions.

And now the snow is gone, and I can't wait to see it again. Come back, snow!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Yes, people, I can be taught.

I forgot to mention that yesterday Michelle and I also went to Walmart, where I spent $50 on pop in various flavours and quantities. Some of it was for people back home, so I left a lot of the cases in the trunk of my car, where it could stay until I drive home for Christmas.

Tonight, I went to an acting audition for the Christmas show I'm in. I'm already in the choir, and that's quite enough for me, but I thought it might be fun to try out for an acting role, since I do enjoy it. Also, I feel that one of the benefits of watching certain shows multiple times is that it teaches you a lot about what works and doesn't work on stage, and I am eager to attempt it myself.

Anyway, I ended up sitting with my choir peeps for an agonizing 90 minutes before my name was called. We made feeble attempts at conversation to keep our nerves at bay. And of course, what's the first thing semi-strangers talk about?

"It's gonna be cold tonight."

"Yes, I heard that."

"Minus three, with a windchill of minus eight in the morning."

"Well, that's the end of Indian summer."

I didn't think much of it at the time, because I was trying to keep my hands from shaking with nervous energy. But once I was in the car on the way home, my brain began to work in mysterious ways....

There's pop in the trunk.

It's going to be cold tonight. Below freezing.

When canned pop freezes, it explodes. (I know this from experience)

So if I leave my pop in the car...

So I just finished lugging 72 cans and two 2-liter bottles of pop into my apartment. Now I'm giving myself a pat on the back and rewarding myself with pepsi and hot chocolate. Go me.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

My hands are shaking...

My dear readers,

Please go see Dan in Real Life. It's heart-warming, awkward, hilarious, touching, and I loved it. I don't want to talk too much about details, because part of the joy of the movie is watching the plot unfold, but it was utterly satisfying to sit down and see this film. Don't let the presence of Dane Cook scare you away. This movie is totally solid.

After you see the movie, might I recommend heading to Mike's for a Brownie Explosion dessert.

Then add a little shopping to the mix, and you can recreate my Saturday.

Or, if you only have time to pick one of those three options, I would go see the movie.

On the apartment front, I may have picked a colour for my bedroom wall, and I hope to slap some paint on there sometime this week or next weekend.

On the life front, does anyone know anything about UK working holiday visas? And would anyone visit me if I moved to Scotland?

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Ears! On Grey's!

I'm fairly certain that for me, this was the best Grey's episode of the season. The kid had microtia and atresia! Bilaterally! And he had a bone-conduction hearing aid! Squeee!!

Sunday, October 21, 2007


This weekend I made a brief yet eventful visit to Rosey and Liam in Halifax. For the record, their place is super cool, and I want to live there. We had a scenic drive to Peggy's Cove, where I breathed salty air and tried not to get blown off the rocks. And we celebrated Oktoberfest! with a delightful dinner and party.

I think there should be a fest every month.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Alex (to Izzie): You slept with O'Malley? [...] I'm embarassed for you.

Yes! Alex is my new favourite Grey's character. He speaks the truth.

So... where are Mer's other interns? And how come everyone always has the day shift?

Topsy turvy

Jack Bristow on Ugly Betty!

Richard Gilmore on Grey's!

Lt. Uhura on Heroes!

Can you tell what I've been doing with my time?

P.S. I'm going to Halifax tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

PSA for theater goers

It's late, and I should be in bed, but I just wanted to write a little note about the show I saw tonight. It was Peter Pan - The High-Flying Musical. I spent $60 on my ticket. It was a national tour. If, like me, you like to google shows and find reviews before you decide to purchase your tickets, here is the dirt:

This show was good for the 6 and under crowd and their parents. I was lured in by the promise of flying. And yes, there was flying. With big cables. And harnesses. And hooks. I wanted to leave after the first act, but I stuck it out until the end.

Instead of spending $60 on a ticket for this show, might I suggest the following:

1. Download "I'm Flying".
2. Read the book. Or rent the Disney movie.
3. Spend the rest of your money on another show.

Happy day after Turkey Day

Okay, so I know you all deserve to read about my Thanksgiving weekend, but I can't help it...

Why is Peter Coade doing the weather on CBC???

My world has been turned upside down.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Grow a pair.

If you haven't yet seen this week's Grey's, don't read this post.

Please. McDreamy (I'm even tiring of the nickname) has an "epiphany" and realizes he's "addicted" to Meredith and tries to "break up" with her, and caves at the last minute?? Whatever. And I'm not going to talk about George. His storyline does not deserve to be acknowledged.

So..... how come Bailey doesn't have interns to boss around anymore? Just because she's a more senior resident? You would think that she would have more work to do. And why does the chief delegate to his chief resident? What are the attending physicians for? Why hasn't he gotten a new cardio-thoraic surgeon?

And, memo to the writers, I think we all get it. The medical cases parallel the doctors' personal trials. Enough. It's actually quite obvious, thanks. No need for a Merilogue to spell it out anymore.

Oh I'll keep watching, because it's Grey's. I'm already invested. But it's looking more and more like a slow and painful descent into Crappyville. That's all I'm saying.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Why ain't it always summer?

It was another busy weekend for me, as I went home to enjoy the last shows of the Festival season. It was a bittersweet time for me, since I had a great time watching the shows and and hanging with the Peeps, but I was sad to see the official end of summer.

Is there anything more delightful than dancing to Karma Chameleon at the back of the theater? I think not.

I've been having some bouts of sleepness, but it actually proved quite advantageous for the weekend party circuit. And I danced. Yes. Danced. Write that down.

I've been finding it hard to keep you all updated since the fall tv season has started. I'm auditioning all sorts of shows to add to my weekly mix. The winners so far? Pushing Daisies, and I've only seen the preview. I'm also having a soft spot for Chuck.

And I'm still maintaining that Grey's has jumped the shark. Oh I'll still watch, of course, because it's Grey's. But are they that hard up for medical stories that they need to bring a deer on the scene? And if you disagree with the shark-jumping status of Grey's, you must show me where George and Izzie started having feelings for one another, and how it is logical for them to have feelings for one another. Go ahead, I dare you.

For those of you outside the Maritime tv world, I only just figured out that Peter Coade retired this fall, and has been replaced on CTV by Global's Cindy Day. Yes, that Cindy Day. Who's doing the weather on Global? Richard Zurowski!! Who remembers him?? What was the name of his kids' show?? Not the After Math Crew, the other one. Wonder Why? Was that it?? What's next? Will Boomer jump ship to the Weather Network?

I might finally have a suitable duvet cover. It is possible that much bedroom decorating may follow.

Finally, I'm going home for Thanksgiving weekend. Please feel free to suggest gatherings to help me avoid excessive amounts of potentially awkward family gatherings.