It's all good.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

PSA for theater goers

It's late, and I should be in bed, but I just wanted to write a little note about the show I saw tonight. It was Peter Pan - The High-Flying Musical. I spent $60 on my ticket. It was a national tour. If, like me, you like to google shows and find reviews before you decide to purchase your tickets, here is the dirt:

This show was good for the 6 and under crowd and their parents. I was lured in by the promise of flying. And yes, there was flying. With big cables. And harnesses. And hooks. I wanted to leave after the first act, but I stuck it out until the end.

Instead of spending $60 on a ticket for this show, might I suggest the following:

1. Download "I'm Flying".
2. Read the book. Or rent the Disney movie.
3. Spend the rest of your money on another show.


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