It's all good.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Give me a head with hair

It's been a busy week. After my dinner party on Tuesday, I spent Wednesday night auditioning for the Christmas show at the local theater here. There were so many people there! I hope I make it into the show. I had such a blast last year.

Last night Michelle and I went to see The Nanny Diaries, which was exactly what the preview depicted. Verrrrrrrrry predictable, but no where near the atrociousness of The Black Dahlia, which still ranks as my worst. movie. ever.

And today, which was a precious day off for me, I got my hair cut. And now I have bangs. Sort of. And I went and picked out new glasses. I'm not sure if I actually like any of the frames I got, so I think I'm going so spend a lot of time in front of the mirror this weekend.


At 5:15 p.m., Blogger Emily said...

So THAT'S what you weren't at choir! I was thinking about auditioning for that... but alas I'm too busy. :( You'd better be at choir on Wednesday! :)

At 11:00 p.m., Blogger Lynda said...

Yes, I meant to let you know, Emily. How was practice? And yes, I'll make sure I'm there this week.


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