It's all good.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Why ain't it always summer?

It was another busy weekend for me, as I went home to enjoy the last shows of the Festival season. It was a bittersweet time for me, since I had a great time watching the shows and and hanging with the Peeps, but I was sad to see the official end of summer.

Is there anything more delightful than dancing to Karma Chameleon at the back of the theater? I think not.

I've been having some bouts of sleepness, but it actually proved quite advantageous for the weekend party circuit. And I danced. Yes. Danced. Write that down.

I've been finding it hard to keep you all updated since the fall tv season has started. I'm auditioning all sorts of shows to add to my weekly mix. The winners so far? Pushing Daisies, and I've only seen the preview. I'm also having a soft spot for Chuck.

And I'm still maintaining that Grey's has jumped the shark. Oh I'll still watch, of course, because it's Grey's. But are they that hard up for medical stories that they need to bring a deer on the scene? And if you disagree with the shark-jumping status of Grey's, you must show me where George and Izzie started having feelings for one another, and how it is logical for them to have feelings for one another. Go ahead, I dare you.

For those of you outside the Maritime tv world, I only just figured out that Peter Coade retired this fall, and has been replaced on CTV by Global's Cindy Day. Yes, that Cindy Day. Who's doing the weather on Global? Richard Zurowski!! Who remembers him?? What was the name of his kids' show?? Not the After Math Crew, the other one. Wonder Why? Was that it?? What's next? Will Boomer jump ship to the Weather Network?

I might finally have a suitable duvet cover. It is possible that much bedroom decorating may follow.

Finally, I'm going home for Thanksgiving weekend. Please feel free to suggest gatherings to help me avoid excessive amounts of potentially awkward family gatherings.


At 7:17 p.m., Blogger LuLu said...

I hear Ashley's having a gathering...(thanks Facebook, for that little tidbit!)


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