12 of 12 - February 2007
Chimo! Happy 12 of 12 month again, everyone!
12:03 a.m. I just got back from Sunday Movie Night at Michelle's and realized I forgot to pack up the cookies I had made that afternoon. Thse chocolate chip ones were a culinary failure, yet I carefully stored them anyway. Any takers?
8:11 a.m. So I was a little late getting into work this morning, but when I did get there, I discovered my student intern had made good on her promise to pick up a deeply discounted puffy coat in Saint John on the weekend! Happy Monday indeed! Sadly, that was the highlight of my work day. I was so insanely busy that I didn't even have time to take any pictures. And my lack of sleep didn't help things.
4:53 p.m. Bonus Pic. Look! I'm in Michelle's apartment in the daytime, and I'm wearing my new puffy coat! Me loves it.
5:03 p.m. Then Michelle and I did some sightseeing so we could bring you some of the oddities of Fredericton. Like this sign that prohibits left turns, but only if you're going to Tim Horton's (the Canadian coffee shop).
5:06 p.m. Is it a barbershop? Is it a bar? No, my friends, it's both.
5:20 p.m. Then Michelle coerced me into playing on playground equipment. Super fun!
5:23 p.m. Michelle's turn!
5:31 p.m. Wanna buy a head? Anyone?
5:58 p.m. We went to Chapters in our endless quest to find stationary. They didn't have any stationary, but they did have penguins! (that's a gratuitous penguin pic for Rosey)
7:36 p.m. Grocery shopping at Sobey's, where I *gasp* bought some brown hair stuff that will make my hair brown all over, but only for a few washes. Michelle's fault.
8:56 p.m. Big tv night tonight. First, there's Hiro!
9:28 p.m. Then The Man, aka Jack Bauer. Two hours of 24 gets me too worked up. I can't take the suspense!
10:21 p.m. I tried making muffins during 24 to distract me, but it didn't work. I'm still worked up! After I drove Michelle home, I applied some of my hair stuff. My hair is still wet, so it's hard to say how it turned out. I'll let you know!
To anyone interested in going to the licensed barbershop, the boys in my program recommend the #5. And a beer. Try to keep the hair out of your beer though, and make sure you don't offend the artiste or you'll end up with a mullet. Rules to live by.
Also, it should be noted that playgrounds are always fun and if I was going to make you buy something Lou, it would have been actual hair dye!
A) I want the penguin.
B) Michelle and playground equipment can never be kept apart for long.
Nice! I love the playground shots!
Great pictures for 12 of 12. Nice to see another Canadian on the list :o) Love the penguin!
Oh how nice to find the puffy coat! And I think I've seen that same screencap of "Heroes" on about 3 Blogs now! Did y'all have a pact to screencap the same character at the same point in the show? [lol]
Helen, Devon (12 of 12er)
Yes, I want cookies!
...can't believe I'm first...
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