Warning: last week's Grey's spoilers below
Don't read this until you've seen last week's Grey's Anatomy... or this week's...
Here's some spoiler space...
This means you, Rosey...
You'be been properly warned.
And I'll even make it "invisotext". You have to highlight it to read it.
So, Michelle and I finally watched last week's Grey's (watching all the good shows is so time-consuming). We had missed it when it originally aired because I was in Halifax watching skating. Thank goodness for PVR's. I had managed to remain media-silent for the entire week. I knew nothing. I didn't even see the preview.
Holy cow. Talk about gut-wrenching sadness. George's dad! I loved him so much! How could they let him die like that? Let me tell you, I went through several kleenexes, and was very close to full out sobbing by the end of the episode. This was way worse than when Denny died, because when that happened, I was too ticked off at Izzy for cutting the LVAT wire to be properly sad. Sure, I cried, but watching George talking to his dad one last time broke my heart. And then when he had to make the decision to take him off life support, I got all weepy again. And then when they actually shut the machines down, I was a goner. By the end of the episode, I was emotionally drained.
Thank goodness I had some figure skating on the PVR to help restore our spirits.
Then we watched this week's episode, which also had us a little teary-eyed. I don't know about Michelle, but I was so spent from watching last week's show, that I had very little left to give emotionally for this week's show. And I'm a little iffy on the two proposals, too. If ever there's a kiss of death for relationships on a show, it's marriage. It's so boring! And come on, it took Bailey the whole episode to figure out that maybe Izzy would use Denny's money to fund the free clinic? Please. I saw that coming all day.
Thanks for the warning Lou! (Although I sort of gathered George's dad must have died after watching the show this week.)
I agree, Lou, that the writing had become a little predictable and 80s in the last 2 weeks. I didn't see the Denny Memorial Free Clinic thing in this week's show, but the week before was bad. Let me recap:
Izzy: Gosh darn, I have so much money now, I don't know what to do with it all!
Crippled Girl's Mom: Screw you, insurance company, for not paying for my question-mark daughter's life-saving opration! Boo-hoo!
Izzy: [in thought bubble] !
CGM: Some anonymous person paid for my daughter's surgery!
Izzy: Waaaaahhhh?
Catherine: Spare me!
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