It's all good.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

"I guess raw egg really is filling."

This evening Michelle and I celebrated "Freddymas", aka "Christmas in January". Our plan was to gorge ourselves on cupcakes and cookies while enjoying TV Thursday.

Things were going as planned until we made the cupcakes. You see, my cupcake pan only holds 12 cupcakes, and the mix makes 24 cupcakes. So there was a lot of batter left over, and it tasted so good when we licked the beaters that we decided it would make sense to eat the batter raw. By the bowlful. Then we discovered that it is quite possible to eat too much cake batter.

We tried to eat the cookies and baked cupcakes. I think I managed half a cookie, and forced down a solitary cupcake at the end of the evening. My stomach is still uncomfortably full. I may never eat again.

And by the way, if they kill George's dad on Grey's, that's it. I'm done. I absolutely adore George's dad, and he better not die. I love his bed hair, and his chubby cheeks, and the way he says "Georgie". He's adorable, and he deserves to live. Seriously.


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