It's all good.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

I think one of my New Year's resolutions this year will be to be more attentive to arriving at places on time. Within the last three months, I've developed the unfortunate habit of arriving 5 to 10 minutes late for work in the morning, which I'm sure partially contributes to me being behind in my paperwork. This leads to Lynda feeling stressed and cranky, which is not pleasant.

Then there are the minor calamities that arise from being perpetually "en retard". Example: I was running late for the Sing Along Messiah on Friday. I had to go to the bank to get money from the machine to cover the donation for admission. I parked my car on Grafton Street by the Mack and ran to the bank. I didn't even have enough time to get to the Bank of Montreal, I had to settle for the Scotiabank and swallow the $1.50 convenience fee. Then I ran to where I thought the church was, only it turned out that what I thought was Kirk of St. James was actually Trinity United. So then I ran back to my car and had to zip recklessly through the downtown core to get to the proper church. And because I was late, I ended up sitting in the wrong spot, and I spent the afternoon singing by myself behind the tenors and sopranos.

So hopefully, if I can get my act together, I will minimize such incidents in future. Or at least minimize them for the month of January, which is usually how long I stick to my resolutions. Perhaps I should add "consistently follow through on my good intentions" to my list.


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