Making a list and checking it twice.
Since my last post, the following things have happened:
1. My tree fell down. Twice. The first time was in the middle of the night on Saturday, and I thought my apartment was being invaded. The second time was Sunday morning, and it literally fell on top of me as I sat at the computer. The needles are still on the floor because I haven't had time to vacuum.
2. We had our last show at the Playhouse. *sniff* I had a blast, and it's amazing how much we all bonded with one another.
3. I attended a lengthy cast party that lasted from 6:00 till 12:30 in the morning. Boy was I tired on Monday.
4. I went shopping for five hours on Monday evening (saw 5 people from the show at the mall) and still did not finish my Christmas shopping.
5. I spent 3 hours Monday night making Christmas treats for the office. Another late night. I didn't even save any for myself.
6. I arrived at work this morning with triple bags under my eyes.
7. I burst a blood vessel in my right eye this afternoon, and now it looks like my eye is bleeding. After it happened, I nearly burst into tears in front of everyone at the office.
8. I delayed shopping immediately after work in favour of napping.
9. I shopped for two hours tonight. Still not done, but the stores closed on me.
10. I am spending copious amounts of time thinking about buying a new cell phone. Perhaps the Motorola Razr??? In true Lynda fashion, I am convinced that I must have this before Christmas.
I'll be home on Friday. Friday. Friday. Friday.
A blood vessel burst in my eye once and I thought I was so hideous I didn't want to leave the house. It clears up within a few days though, so don't worry. Can't wait to see you Lou!
My burst blood vessel only looks bad if I look to the right. So I've been spending the past few says walking in counterclockwise circles.
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