It's all good.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Oh. This is really awkward...

Seriously. I thought something was funny with Grey's last night. It was as if there was this huge time gap between the season finale and where the action started. And during the "previously on Grey's Anatomy" recap, there were scenes I didn't recognize. I was initially confused, but then I decided to go with it.

Turns out my instincts were right, because according to this article, we (as in, Canada) were watching EPISODE 2!!!!! We missed episode 1! Seriously. Of course, as you can read in the article, CTV will be airing the actual season premiere at a later date. But won't that be anticlimactic? And what are they going to do next week? Air episode 2 again?

Stupid people who don't know how to push buttons right. I am most seriously displeased.


At 10:30 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last night I taped Grey's at 1 so I could see it again cause I had thought I had missed a part, and it turns out I saw half of one and half the another. After it was over it showed scenes for next week, and I had thought funny I already seen that. No wonder I was confused about what I had seen in the second part! Was it the same for you?? or did you see all of the second episode?

At 10:30 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last night I taped Grey's at 1 so I could see it again cause I had thought I had missed a part, and it turns out I saw half of one and half the another. After it was over it showed scenes for next week, and I had thought funny I already seen that. No wonder I was confused about what I had seen in the second part! Was it the same for you?? or did you see all of the second episode?

At 4:25 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

nooo! What are we going to do? We binged for nothing??? I don't know if my stomach can handle many of our season premiere food-fests!
But, I suppose sacrifices must be made . . .

At 8:03 a.m., Blogger Ash said...

OMG Lynda, you're in the Guardian this morning! An article titled "Angry Greys Fans Lash Out" quoted from this post!! I must say Lynda, you really should learn to control that anger of yours a bit better - if you keep lashing out like this all the time someone's going to get hurt.

At 5:58 p.m., Blogger LuLu said...

Here's something funny- I also read this article today (Ashley and I both read the Guardian before work- strange, I know...) and I noticed the way they spelled the name and laughed at the coincedence that you were the one metioned this at dinner Friday evening. Little did I know you were a newspaper source and credible authority...hehe!!

I say quite your job and make your money blogging!

At 11:33 p.m., Blogger Lynda said...

OMG is right! I think this made my day. So who wants to pay me to watch tv and then lash out in anger?


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