It's all good.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Happy belated Earth Hour

Last night I went out for supper with a few friends, and we ended up at Second Cup for post-dinner hocho. The coffee shop is located right downtown, and it was fun to sit at a table by the window and watch people walk by.

As the daylight dwindled, the staff turned the lights out in the shop and brought out tea lights for all the tables. I thought this was a bit odd, since there were people sitting nearby who were trying to study, and clearly, having the lights on would help them see better. I was hoping that the streetlights would soon come on so it would be a bit easier to see, but they didn't. Oh well, that didn't bother us much, we just talked until the shop closed, at which point we left amidst the heady aroma of a multitude of candles being extinguished at the same time.

When I got home, I got a message from another friend reminding me of Earth Hour, where everyone around the world banded together and turned off their lights for one hour, starting at 8:00 local time. I was dismayed to find that I had missed it, so I decided to turn my own lights off at 11:00, since I'm sure it was 8:00 somewhere.

So I surrounded myself with candles and read for an hour. When I turned the lights back on and blew out all the candles, the smell brought me back to the coffee shop earlier that evening. And that's when it hit me...

candles on the table... lights off in the coffee shop... no street lights...

I had already celebrated Earth Hour that day, and I never even realized it!

And, not only did I celebrate Earth Hour, but I did it TWICE in one day. How's that for effortless environmentalism.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Why ain't it always summer?

Okay, the snow is getting to be more than a bit ridiculous. It's never going to melt. No, that's a lie - I can tell it's melting. I see the sun shining, and I see the puddles of melted snow in the parking lot of my apartment building. I just wish the thawing would happen a lot quicker.

Anyway, I've been trying to cheer myself up a bit, so I found this.

My Japanese is a little shaky, but I think it's a website for a theater in Japan that's performing my favourite musical. Or maybe they have performed it. Anyway, the best part of the website is listening to the instrumental recording of "Why Ain't It Always Summer" and "Ice Cream".


Soon it will be summer.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Bawk bawk

Happiest of birthdays to my dearest Rosey, who is about to join me in the world of grown-ups. I think she'll make a fine addition to my little club.

And for the rest of you, happy belated Easter. I hope the Easter bunny found you all. I anticipated Easter a bit this year and went on a cupcake consumption rampage. It's been quite dangerous, and now I find myself longing for vegetables. Yes, that's right, I'm craving salad. Go figure.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Counting my blessings

Today is the one year anniversary of my car accident.

I celebrated life today by driving home for Easter weekend. I drove most of the way with a friend from choir. The roads were a little snow covered, but there was no freezing rain, so I was okay. Then I spent some time with my family before heading out to see Sweeney Todd at City with some CCOA peeps. It was bloody good.

The past few weeks (months...) have been a wee bit stressful for me. Hopefully I'm coming through the worst of it now. Once again, I remind myself that I have many many great people in my life who love me, and that is a lovely feeling. Thank you everyone.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Happy Wednesday

I try and make Wednesday's one of my favourite weekdays. It's a tough task, since Wednesday's at work are typically pretty draining. But I try and make up for it in the evening with choir practice.

It's quite important to make the transition from work to play, so when I get home from work on Wednesday, I usually hop right into the shower and get all cleaned up. Sometimes I even have a bubble bath. Then I take my time getting pretty for choir practice. Occasionally, make-up is involved.

And then I get to go to choir practice and sing. Singing is fun and makes Lynda happy.

Today was a particularly happy Wednesday, because I went over to a friend's house for supper, and then we went out for a pre-choir dessert. I had chocolate cheesecake.

The consequence of eating pre-choir dessert is that it gives me a bit of a cheesecake high. It hit at the beginning of the 5th movement, and I giggled during the rest of the rehearsal.

Happy Wednesday indeed.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Happy Tuesday

These are the things I'm doing today to make me happy and distract me from the persistent burning neck pain that reminds me of my car accident neck pain:

- I ate two havarti with jalapeno grilled cheese sandwiches for supper. Two grilled cheese sandwiches are just the right amount. You may recall that three are too many.

- I watched A LOT of figure skating tonight. So dedicated am I that I watched at least a part of all the compulsory dances, where all the skaters to the exact same pattern. Twice. I'm currently typing and catching up on the pairs.

- I had a bubble bath.

- I did not have any diet pepsi since work. Hopefully this will help with the sleeping.

Wish me luck and happiness. Neck pain tends to make me cranky.

Friday, March 14, 2008


So I finally know what day it is. It's Pi day.

To celebrate, Michelle and I went out to dinner, and then to the mall (surprise). Then we went over to my place and made cupcakes and watched What Not to Wear (best episode ever). And I ate too much cupcake batter and cupcakes. Me sick.

Mmm. Cupcakes.

Michelle insisted on decorating the cupcakes with a can of icing that's about a year old.

She finally let me take a real picture of one of her cupcakes. I left mine naked.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sorry gang. No 12 of 12 today. I just don't feel like it.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Happy Tuesday??

So I think today is Tuesday?

I'm not entirely certain, because first there was the time change on the weekend, which completely threw me for a loop. Now it's dark in the morning again, and that does not agree with me at all. And then I went out last night, so today felt like a Saturday, so my body was doubly protesting when I dragged myself out of bed this morning. And then there's the fact that I worked Up the River yesterday, which makes me think today is actually Friday, because in my head, I still go Up the River on Thursdays. And then! Then!! Michelle and I went grocery shopping tonight, so that makes me think it's Monday.

I am so messed up. I think perhaps this is a sign that I should take the rest of the week off work to adjust my internal calendar. And that would suit me just fine.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Oh lordy.

My favourite sentence in this "news" article:

"The canned pop bust was P.E.I.'s largest ever."

This is almost as good as the article about the little loaf of bread that wouldn't go stale. Almost.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

To sleep perchance to dream...

The story of this week is that I have a lot of things on my mind, and thus have not been sleeping. It is very difficult to work when you have only slept for four hours the night before.

It is also difficult to write when you are sleep-deprived.

Tomorrow I have the day off, and I really really hope I will sleep tonight.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Crisis solved.

Well, the hostage crisis has been resolved. Today I couldn't take another meal cooked in only one pot, so I went at my stove drawer with a vengeance. Well, really I went at it with a butter knife and managed to push the handle of my frying pan back far enough to open the drawer! Huzzah!

To celebrate, I made a steak stirfry with rice. And then I made spider cookies.

Yesterday Michelle and I had an old-fashioned Saturday, i.e. we shopped for most of the day and went to a movie. I managed to buy new cutlery and some new dishes, which are items that have been on my wish list for a long long time. I also got a hat for $1.13 and a sweater at Winner's for $8.00. And I got a new windshield wiper.

Anyway, when I ate my celebratory dinner, I ate on a shiny new plate with a shiny new knife and fork. And it was lovely.