It's all good.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Where is my snow?

I was totally banking on a snow day today. Environment Canada had issued a snowfall warning, and The Weather Network showed 15 to 20 cm of snow starting at around 2:00 in the morning. Monday is my day to travel Up the River for work, so I was all ready to call and cancel my patients in the morning. I was even going to do something I never do: use my vacation hours to take the day off. I didn't make my lunch or iron my clothes last night. I set my alarm for later than usual. And, I didn't bother filling up the car with gas, because there was no way I was going to be going anywhere during the big snow.

So when the alarm went off at 6:59, I sprung awake, ready to greet 5 to 10 cm of freshly fallen snow. I looked out the window - nothing. I listened to the radio - no school cancellations.

Alas, this was no snow day.

So I had to scurry around getting dressed and out the door. I did get work today, but I was in a sorry state. I cursed the weatherman all day, and I bemoaned the loss of snow day. Maybe next week...


At 9:15 p.m., Blogger LuLu said...

I HATE those teaser snow days...I think the disappointment in waking up to a day of work you hadn't really planned on doing is worse than not having any days off at all (which, with the above freezing weather here is probably my winter plan...).

At 10:05 p.m., Blogger Lynda said...

I'll do a snow dance for you, Laura. Maybe it will help!


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