It's all good.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Tonight I witnessed the rebirth of TNB. It was opening night of The Graduate, the company's only production this season. It was a funny, edgy show, and I liked it. Even the full frontal nudity.

I went to the show with a friend from work. I even decided to dress up a little. I carefully planned my outfit in my head on the way home. I thought I would wear black, since it seems to be a sophisticated colour. I put on a black t-shirt over a white shirt, with my black "magic"pants on the bottom. I even accessorized with my red necklace. I put on make-up. On the way out the door, I slipped on my black Mary Janes. Tres snazzy.

When we got to our seats, I bent down to clean off my right shoe, because when I was heading out, I noticed that it was a little dirty. Imagine my shock and dismay when I discovered that I was actually wearing TWO DIFFERENT SHOES. And not only was I wearing two different shoes, but one was a black Mary Jane, and the other was a brown loafer. Needless to say, I kept the brown shoe tucked out of sight for the entire show, and at the end of the evening, I quickly but stealthily slunk back to my car.

So much for sophistication.


At 2:45 p.m., Blogger Rosey said...

Check out the part in Rilla of Ingleside when she goes out wearing two different shoes! It happens to the best of us!

At 3:05 p.m., Blogger LuLu said...

Or it always happens when we're trying our hardest...I've walked into/tripped over more than enough things as I've strutted past someone, trying to impress.

I'd say you looked snazzy anyway. Maybe it will be like that t-shirt scene in Mean Girls where they cut out some strategic circles. This two shoe thing could catch on.


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