Clean sweep.
My overwhelming urge to vanquish the dust from my apartment has returned with a vengeance. Pair that with a burning desire to resume my long-abandoned apartment therapy, and you can guess how I spent my weekend.
My kitchen? Super clean. I even washed out the cupboards.
Bathroom? Sparkling. I removed a giant hairball from my shower drain, and it's amazing how much better the water drains. Imagine.
Living area? Vacuumed and dusted.
Bedroom? Somewhat decluttered and dedustified.
I'm still not sure why I can't just do nothing on the weekends. Perhaps it's because I spend weekdays working away like mad, trying to get all my stuff done. I see the day in 45 or 60 minute bits, and I'm so accustomed to adhering to my schedule that I have a hard time without one. On the weekends, instead of a list of patients to see, I make a little list of things to do, and I tick off each task as I complete it. Jeepers. Is this what I'm going to be like for the rest of my life?
I also watched four games of curling on tv. See, this is why I love March. Week-long sporting events. This week is the Brier, and TSN is showing two draws a day. Did you know that NWT/Y is currently in first place with a 3-0 record? And that PEI actually won a game? Love it.
And, it's entirely possible that my sister is coming for a visit in a few weeks! *insert happy dance with clapping and spinning*
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