It's all good.

Friday, February 23, 2007


This is what I have to say about Grey's much-hyped three episode "Ferry crash/Meredith 'dies'" arc: seriously? Do the writer's not think that we have any brains at all? And isn't it convenient that Meredith can recover so well after not having a heartbeat for two and a half hours? And isn't it also convenient that Mer's mom died, but not before reconciling with her daughter in the afterlife limbo? Whatever. I was skeptical at the outset, and I was not impressed at the end.

The only thing that redeemed TV Thursday was watching curling. Despite all indications to the contrary, PEI's women's curling team managed to squeak into a tiebreaker playoff game tomorrow afternoon! I don't know if you all know this, but I do love my curling on TSN. Can't wait to watch this game tomorrow!!

Did I mention that I'll be home tomorrow afternoon? Yay!


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