The Rocket and the Cure
Today I went to see The Rocket. It's the story of Maurice Richard's rise to fame with the Montreal Canadiens. I was quite excited about this movie, because it's Canadian and it appears to be in wide release this weekend across the country. This seems to be a rare feat for home-grown cinema. For that fact alone, I encourage everyone to go see it. Go quickly, because judging from the attendance at the theatre this afternoon (7 people), it might not be playing for long.
The movie is filmed in both official languages, which I think is fantastic. The Quebec version that was released earlier has French subtitles, and the version I saw had English subtitles. I enjoyed the retro feeling of the film, especially during the hockey game sequences. While watching the hockey action sequences, I can't help but wonder why helmets weren't introduced to the NHL sooner. Surely the man must have had some sort of brain damage from all the head injuries he suffered.
After the movie, I went to Chapters and bought Apartment Therapy: the eight-step home cure. Apparently, this book is going to change my life in a profound way and make me like my apartment. I've already been attempting to declutter and spruce up my apartment, but I'm hoping this will give me a little more direction. My assignment this week:
1. make a list of apartment repairs
2. vacuum and mop floors
3. remove one item from my apartment
4. buy fresh flowers
5. sit for 10 minutes in a part of the apartment that I never sit in
6. look into earth-friendly cleaning products.
I've already completed a quiz to get me started, and I learned that this is what my apartment would say to me if it could talk:
I'm empty and temporary. When are you going to make things more permanent?
I've been looking ahead to the coming weeks, and things even more little touchy-feely. Hey, at this point, I'll try anything. Wish me luck.
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