It's all good.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Score one for the lazy people

One of the benefits of laziness/procrastination is the opportunity for unexpected scientific discoveries.

Example: lately the inside of my fridge has developed a funky, foul odour, indicating that something already dead is decomposing even further. Every time I opened the fridge door, I was assaulted by nasty, noxious fumes. Any normal person would have thrown away the offending item ASAP. I chose to leave said item to its own devices. Why? Because taking it out of the fridge would expose me further to the smell, and then I would have to take it all the way down to the garbage shed, and that's at least a 90 second trek. Who needs that?

So, I let the smelly food item fester. Gradually, over the past week, the stench seemed to grow. I started planning what I needed when I opened the fridge, so I could get in and out as quickly as possible. I avoided refrigerated foods and consumed more canned and boxed goods.

Finally, I decided that today would be the day. Today, I would clean out the fridge. However, when I opened the door, I discovered that the smell had disappeared!! It's gone! By some sort of amazing scientifical process the smelly food has stopped producing yucky gas products. And I never would have discovered this if I had thrown the bad food out when it first started to stink. I feel like the guy who discovered penicillin.

And now that the fridge smells okay again, it will probably be a few more days before I clean it.


At 4:45 a.m., Blogger mel said...

This post exemplifies why blogging is great. mundane things everyone goes through are actually hilarious and interesting. Cudos (kudos? I have no idea how to spell that).


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