It's all good.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I finally got myself together enough to get my new winter tires put on today. And, *gasp*, everyhing went smoothly! As in, I went to the tire place, and they put the tires on.

Just like that.

Real fast.

While I was in the waiting room, I picked up the May issue of Canadian Living, and before you know it, I was weeping over a story about a daughter whose mom died. Thank goodness the manly tire store guys didn't stumble upon me as I was blowing my nose and wiping my tears away.

My new studded tires have transformed my car into the Noisiest Car Ever. I feel like I am personally responsible for tearing up pavement with all the sharp, pointy metal thingies on the tires. Oh well, as long as I stay out of the ditch, it's all good.

Before choir practice tonight, I was asked if I wanted to do a solo in one of our songs. Which would have been fabulous and so exciting if I didn't have to miss one of our concerts because of my Chicago trip! So I had to decline, which was fine, since it went to two people who are vastly more talented than me, and who will do a wonderful job of it. And it was very, very nice to hear that finally someone thinks I can sing. I'll hang onto the that lovely thought all week long.


At 4:59 p.m., Blogger LuLu said...

Oh, you sing beautifully! We should do something vocal this Christmas (I'm not sure what...shouted carols at the Christmas party do not count), but I wonder where we could go caroling...

At 11:42 p.m., Blogger Emily said...

I would just like to say that I love sitting beside you when I sing... I missed you on Wednesday when you moved up front!! Although Rachael is VERY good... no one compares to the time we have spent together, and you helping me to find notes. :) (but maybe you don't know that I listen to the notes you sing?!? haha) And I'd also like to say we're not more talented than you, just a little louder maybe :P

At 10:24 p.m., Blogger Lynda said...

Well ladies, you sure do know how to make me feel good about myself!

Laura, if you set up caroling, I will be there. Especially if there's hot chocolate involved.

Emily, I love sitting beside you in choir too! I missed you terribly last year. And I always listen to the notes you sing! I'll try not to sit too far away this week!


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