It's all good.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Social utility.


It's been one of those weeks. I know life is full of ups and downs, but jeepers, hopefully I'm done with the downs for now.

I did decide this week to try and be more positive, so here goes...

1. It's a three-day weekend.
2. I had perogies for supper tonight and they were yummy.
3. I finally got my laundry done today.
4. I bought shiny material to wear when I'm running so I won't get run over.
5. I dragged myself out for a run today.
6. My apartment is in a semi-clean state.
7. There's a free preview weekend for the Movie Network.
8. I bought the soundtrack to Dan in Real Life.
9. I had a really good sleep last night.
10. I get to go singing tomorrow.

You really don't need to hear about the negative stuff, so I'll avoid writing about it.

11. Avoidance is one of my favourite things. ;)


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