Losing my grip
It snowed this morning!! Beautiful white snow!
I would have taken a picture, but my body was in shock because I had to wake up so early. Call it a post-weekend sleep hangover. I was lucky I made it out the door with my clothes on the right way.
The snow did make for a treacherous 20-minute commute to work today, instead of my typical 6-minute zippy trip up the road. It also made me wish I had already put my new studded tires on my car. However, I did make it to work in one piece. It's amazing how driving 30 kph keeps you on the road.
This evening I went for a walk on some very icy sidewalks, which makes me want to go out and buy something grippy for my shoes ASAP. I did however quite enjoy listening to some happy new tunes I put on my iPod, so it wasn't a total loss. I got the hang of walking on the sidewalk after a bit. All it takes is hold your arms out to the sides and a careful penguin-like waddle.
A penguin-like waddle? I think you need to post a picture of that!
I'm glad it's snowing where you are to make you happy!
Um, I agree! The world always needs more penguins!
We were told that YakTraks and something else called an Ice Shoe are good for running in snow/ice?
It only rained here, no snow. There was lots of it on Saturday though!
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