It's all good.

Monday, November 12, 2007

12 of 12 - November 2007

Ah, 12 of 12 Day! Or, if you like, "The day I made bread and watched tv".

10:32 a.m. I didn't have to work today, since Remembrance Day is a stat holiday for us hospital minions, and since it fell on a Sunday this year, I had Monday off instead. So I slept in.

10:45 a.m. The first thing I did when I got up was check on my bread. I started my no-knead bread yesterday, and when I looked at it today, it was all bubbly and sticky.

11:10 a.m. Then I made some hot chocolate and settled into the couch for a day of catching up on my PVRing.

11:50 a.m. First up, last night's episode of Amazing Race. Watching Grandpa's attempts to pole-vault over a ditch in his underwear totally cracked me up.

1:16 p.m. Bread break!

3:15 p.m. More bread break! My apartment smelled so good!

3:17 p.m. Next up on the PVR: the 1940's version of Pride and Prejudice with Laurence Olivier as Mr. Darcy. I must say I was quite impressed with the casting and the acting in this film, but I found the non-Regency costumes quite distracting.

3:45 p.m. More bread! The crust was awesome, but the bread itself was a little spongy. Next time I'll use less water.

6:58 p.m. Out for a run in the dark with my new shiny arm bands.

7:32 p.m. I had a really really good run, but I noticed my feet were a little sore afterwards. Maybe it's time to get new shoes. These ones look a little worn.

7:42 p.m. FYI - Shopper's has 2L bottles of Pepsi on sale this week for 88 cents plus deposit. Michelle and I stocked up last night, but now I'm trying to find room for all my bottles.
10:55 p.m. Michelle and I went grocery shopping, as per our usual Monday night routine, and then we settled in to watch Heroes. It took until the end of the episode, but Shirtless!Peter made his appearance yet again!


At 3:01 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

good choice of tv today.... grandpa in his underwear was a bit shocking :)

At 6:28 a.m., Blogger graphsman said...

The bread really looks good and tasty !!!

At 2:48 p.m., Blogger Rosey said...

Mmmm bread. Makes me want to bake!

At 5:04 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shirtless!Peter!! So lovely. Oh Jess . . .

And there's nothing like a cart at Shoppers with 15 bottles of pepsi. We rock.

At 9:15 a.m., Blogger Dogeared said...

Oh, freshy crusty bread... lovely!

At 1:58 p.m., Blogger Poun said...

Mmmmm Bread and hot chocolate...perfect day !!!

At 3:03 p.m., Blogger Scooter said...

Great pix. I can almost smell the bread!!


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