It's all good.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Done and done.

Well, I finished Book 6 last night at about 12:30. Boy, did I pay for it today. I felt like a zombie at work today, and one of the first things I did when I got home was have a nap. And now I'm paying for it slightly, because it's bedtime, and me no wanty sleepy.

Bah, that dreadful Grey's episode is on tonight. You know, the one where Meredith "dies". Aw, poor widdle Meredith.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Two more sleeps!

Currently on page 427 of Book 6. Is it just me, or is Book 6 a way easier read than Book 5?

I feel as if I've been using a Pensieve for hours every evening. My mind is all fuzzy, and I'm having a hard time remembering I'm just an ordinary Muggle.

And we all know what happens at the end of Book 6. I better have my tissues ready for my reading session tomorrow night.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Still reading...

Currently on page 42 of Harry Potter 6. My apartment is suffering greatly - there are dirty dishes everywhere, and I still haven't had a chance to clean up the explosion of clothes around my suitcase. At least I finished Book 5.

Must read more.

Monday, July 16, 2007

The final countdown...

I'm currrently on page 414 of Harry Potter 5. I must finish Books 5 and 6 before midnight Friday. Wish me luck.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

12 of 12 - July 2007

Ack! Another 12 of 12 day is upon us. I was slightly better than useless today, and I'm so glad it's over. I have the day off tomorrow, so let the weekend commence!

12:41 a.m. Last night I went to see the new Harry Potter movie. I had to go to a late show because I had a potluck to attend earlier in the evening. Hence the getting home very late. Hence the lack of sleep that plagued me throughout the day. It was totally worth it, though!

7:14 a.m. It was pouring buckets of rain this morning, which made for a slightly white-knuckled drive to Woodstock. Why does it always rain on Thursdays?

8:29 a.m. Made to the hospital in one piece. Yay for not rolling the car into the ditch during foul weather!

8:30 a.m. Mr Cuthbert! Your roads! They're yellow. Oh, I'm so sorry.

10:21 a.m. I dashed away from the hospital for a moment to take my car in to get the oil changed.

11:25 a.m. Nutrition break!

3:14 p.m. Thankfully, the rain didn't last all day. In the afternoon, we got some beautiful sunshine and, my favouritest thing of all, humidity.

3:17 p.m. While waiting to be picked up by the dealership, I read a little of my book. I need to finish it ASAP, so I can reread HP5 and HP6 before next week.

7:55 p.m. So I was pretty much comatose for a few hours after I got home. Surprise, no one cleaned up my kitchen for me.
8:06 p.m. Off to the mall to pick up my sister's birthday present.

9:24 p.m. And I bought a new vacuum! It's so pretty, and it works.

9:30 p.m. Is it sad that I know summer has finally started because BB is on?

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hello my friend.

It's my sister's birthday today! She's so special, and I don't know what I'd do without her.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Another life lesson from Eargirl...

Boys and girls, make sure you take good care of your teeth. Brush and floss. And visit the dentist regularly. Because if you don't, you might need a root canal. And, trust me, the sensation of a tiny drill working its way into the depths of your mouth is not something you want to experience. Trust me. I know of what I speak.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

More than meets the eye

Yes, I went home this weekend. I got to spend some quality time with my brother and sister. We went to see The Transformers. All I remember from watching The Transformers when I was little is the theme song and Optimus Prime. The story was a little lame. The dialogue was moronic. But the Transformers were cool.

My brother found it life-changing. My sister and I were less enthusiastic. There were several points where I was actually laughing at the movie, instead of with the movie.

I am, however, greatly anticipating Harry Potter Day on Wednesday. I've seen every Harry Potter movie on opening day. This year it might be a little tricky, since I'm supposed to be going to a potluck that evening, so the afternoon and early evening shows are out. I'm also a posse of one, so that can be tricky for movie-going. But, I have a streak to maintain, so I am determined to see it on Wednesday.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

I wanna go home

Who thinks I should throw budget-related thoughts out of my head and go home this weekend?

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The continuing teeth adventures of Ear Girl.

Well, today I saw the oral surgeon to determine the fate of my wisdom teeth. He wants to leave the left ones as they are and yank the right ones out. At least, that's what he told me he wanted to do during my five minute consultation visit for which I was charged $62.00. But he could be shifty like my dentist, who told me I needed four fillings, when at the moment I have six and at least two on the way.

Anyway, the prospect of wisdom tooth extraction was the reason I avoided the dentist for five years. I'm a little anxious about it. But when the assistant explained the procedure, she seemed to think it was no big deal. But then I started reading horror stories on the internet, and now I'm all worked up again. So I think I'll go back to avoidance mode and not think about it for a while. After all, I have a root canal to look forward to next week.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Happy Canada Day!

What I didn't do on Canada Day: find some free cake, see giant sandcastles ($5! no thanks), find a balloon for Rosey.

What I did so on Canada Day: watch the new outdoor show, ramble around the waterfront, run into a work colleague from Freddy, eat hot dogs, see fireworks.

And let's not forget the highly superior, efficient, and effective dual fireworks exit strategies. It takes so little to please me.