It's all good.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Sweet symphony

Still recovering from Saturday's festivities, I was a sorry sight at work today. To my dismay, there was no banana bread available at the hospital's coffee shop today. I had to settle for a vastly inferior cinnamon bun.

I have to say that I am highly enjoying The Chucky Danger Band cd I bought last weekend. I have a soft spot for them since a memorable New Year's eve concert at the Mack a few years ago. In other music happenings, the iTunes free download single of the week is a song by Sloan. It's quite catchy, and is excellent to walk to using long, easy strides.

For those of you waiting with bated breath for an update on my couch adventures, I'm currently at another crossroads. I believe I have seen every couch in Fredericton, and I'm torn between a sensible, serviceable one and a ridiculously expensive yet oh so pretty one. Stay tuned.

And for those of you who are big fans of Harry Potter and Pride and Prejudice (and really, there's no earthly reason not to be), check out this trailer at austenblog.


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