It's all good.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Wanted: new couch

Made a half-hearted attempt to look for a new couch today. I found this one the Lane store in town. I sort of like it, but I don't love it. It comes in all sorts of fabrics and colours, and I'm trying to find something to complement my existing loveseat. I think I would like something with three cushions, because my loveseat has two. My loveseat is a little more curvier, too, so I don't know how they would go together. And a sofa is a major purchase, so I want to make sure I'm totally happy. I suppose I could check out the other stores in town. It took me two months to find my loveseat, and I'm sure you all remember my lengthy search for a dining table and chairs. I am mentally preparing for a couch-shopping marathon. Perhaps I'll find one by Christmas...