The undiscovered country
This afternoon Rosey and I spent copious amounts of time walking. First we did the trusty boardwalk jaunt, but then we explored some new territory for me. We took a right after the boardwalk and ended up behind ATHI at the Irish Memorial, which I had no idea even existed. It was super cool. Then we went out to Beach Grove and walked on the memorial path there, which was also a new discovery for me. My only excuse for not knowing about these things is that I'm not a townie.
Re: tonight's Grey's Anatomy:
- huzzah for Alex and his "heart in the elevator" moment. It's about time. Anyone else forsee an on-call room rendez-vous with him and Dr. She-Shepherd?
- huzzah for George and his Georginess, as always.
- this Izzie/Denny thing still feels weird and inappropriate to me, much as I love them both. I know he's probably going to die soon, but I am hoping there will be some sort of consequence for Izzie forming a relationship with her patient.
Man, if Karev screws with another of my Grey's crushes I'ma be angry. I hate that guy!
I do like Alex, simply because he's unlikeable. You can't always choose your coworkers, and I like seeing everyone struggle to deal with his behaviour.
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