The apartment therapy continues...
Note: my computer ate my first attempt at this post. Actually, it froze just as I was going to hit the "Publish" button. Dammit.
Today I made the rounds of the local furniture stores, trying to find some new end tables for my living room area. I couldn't find anything that I liked, which is both unfortunate and frustrating.
Then I headed out to one of my favourite stores: Room 2 Remember. It has all sorts of cool decorating stuff. I entered the store on the heels of two Debbie Travis/Sarah Richardson wannabes (yes, I watch way too much HGTV). They veered right to the baby section. Not wanting the be nipping at their heels, I veered left to the outdoors/garden section.
Just as I was starting to get my bearings, out of the corner of my eye I could see one of the ladies making a beeline for my personal space. Apparently she wanted to look at one of the floormats I was standing in front of. Now, there's not a lot of space in this particular section of the store. There's room for one person to browse comfortably. Maybe two if you know each other really well. This did not seem to deter the designing diva, and she was still striding purposefully in my direction.
I was determined to stand my ground. After all, I was there first, and I wasn't done looking. She would have to wait.
Sadly, diva won. She stepped right into the outdoors/garden section and picked up the rug. I had to do a quick step/hop to avoid a collision, nearly knocking over a display in the process. I have her my best supremely annoyed "you invaded my personal box and I hate you" look and went to look at some picture frames. I don't think she even noticed I was there.
I did manage to buy three picture frames today. I plan to hang them on the wall in my dining room area. I'm having a little trouble figuring out what to put in the frames. I tried printing off some some London/Paris pictures, but they don't seem to look right together at all. This is going to be more challenging than I initially anticipated. Where's the magic decorating wand when you need it?
I don't think I've mentioned this yet, but I'm entirely jealous of your apartment therapy initiative. I'm probably going to be moving to a place closer to campus in a couple of months, and the closest thing I'll be able to do is a redesign of my meagre belongings in the new setting, with the potential addition of new roommate's (not a replacement roomie, but an addition to make it 3 people) stuff to my aformentioned meagre belongings.
It's gotta be a total reinvention to totally change your living environment like that and it sounds like a blast.
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