You can see the mornin', but I can see the light
Buy fresh flowers. Done and done. These are my snapdragons. I bought them today during my shopping extravaganza. Reading this new book and trying to "cure" my apartment has apparently given me permission to spend money like a madwoman. In addition to the pretty flowers, I also bought some pretty picture frames, summer running clothes, organizing totes, and DQ onion rings.
Incidentally, I am having a very good hair day today. Not just good, but very good.
I also had an "a-ha!" moment this morning and figured out what colours I like best. They're sort of hard to describe, but one is a grey-blue, and the other is a green with some yellow in it. Can you tell I'm not good at colours? I would hate to see me try to name new crayon colours. If I can find a nice neutral colour that goes with the blue and green to go on my walls, I'll be all set. My problem is that I want everything done Right Now. I have to remind myself that good things take time.
Doesn't my apartment look healthier already?
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