It's all good.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Let it rain

My apartment was pretty warm this evening, so I decided to go for a run to cool off. The skies were cloudy, and it was a little bit misty, so I thought running would be quite refreshing. I dressed lightly, just a tshirt and pants, so I wouldn't get overheated. I was zipping along quite nicely. My only obstacle was passing a lady and her dog while running uphill (try it- it's not fun).

When it started to rain a bit more steadily, I was doing okay. After all, I was a little warm from running uphill, so the wetness was soothing. The pitter patter of the raindrops was also quite enjoyable.

Then it started to really rain. As in, "the outdoors is a giant shower" rain. This is where it got tricky, because my glasses were covered in droplets, and my clothes were seriously wet. Still, I kept plodding away, mostly because I was several blocks away from my building.

Then the monsoon arrived. Waterfalls of rain accompanied by large gusts of wind. The rain was bouncing off the pavement. My sneakers were squishy. My glasses were blinded by the water. It wasn't fun anymore. I needed shelter. And a towel.

Finally, I arrived at my building and was able to exchange my dripping running gear for some dry, comfy clothes. And I watched Gilmore Girls. And it was good.


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