It's all good.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Regular as clockwork

How do I know it's almost summer?

Well, for starters, the weather is getting super warm again. I keep forgetting that Fredericton seems to be a heat magnet. It's always a few degrees warmer here than anywhere else in NB or PEI. That may be fine for the winter, but it's not so pleasant in the summer. Plus, this sudden jump in temperature has made me realize how few summer clothes I have. Soon it will be time to put away my collection of v-neck sweaters. What will I do without them? I'll also have to dig out my fan. Maybe this summer I'll get that air conditioner.

Anyway, the real reason I know summer is coming is because my Anne dreams are starting to increase in frequency. You see, fall/winter/spring marks a period of Anne withdrawal for me. I try to fill it with my other areas of passionate enthusiasm, such as curling, figure skating, Olympics, etc. However, I need my Anne.

Throughout the winter I usually have one or two vivid dreams about the show. They usually involve some sort of drastic change to the show, or some castastrophe that leads to me being in the show. As the summer approaches, the dreams start to happen more often. This week, I had a dream that they changed the "Clearly Requested a Boy" scene to an interpretive dance with Rachel Lynde providing narration. Highly irregular. A few weeks ago I dreamed that I was floating throughout the rows during the show, yanking cameras away from people. Super fun.

I can't wait until June, when the show starts up again. I always get this incredibly joyful feeling the first time I hear the orchestra start the overture. Pure happiness.

Good times are coming. I can feel it.


At 4:59 a.m., Blogger mel said...

If the word that's gotten to Ottawa is true, "some sort of drastic change to the show" won't be a dream. Even I want to see it this year.

At 1:02 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool dreams! I don't want to see Anne.... ugh!!


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