It's all good.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Getting to know you

It's another big tv night with the season finale of Lost, and I am pumped. I would be more pumped if I weren't so darn tired - all this tv watching does nothing for my sleeping patterns.

I should have actually watched the earlier airing of Lost at 7-9 pm, but I was out. May is speech and hearing month, and there was a small shindig at Dooly's to celebrate. So after work I headed down there to meet some Fredericton SLP's I've never met before. It was rather interesting, but somewhat awkward trying to integrate yourself into a group of people who all seem to know each other already. Fortunately, speechies don't bite and are quite friendly.

Anyway, back to Lost. And I thought Alias was convoluted. I don't even try to figure out what's going on anymore, I just sit back and enjoy the ride. They're on an island, and we don't know why. The others keep taking people, and we don't know why. There are unresolved plotlines all over the place. Hopefully some of them will be answered tonight, but I'm not holding my breath. However, if the Hanso Foundation is a code name for Rambaldi, and the castaways find a hatch with a big red ball in it, I'm gonna throw something at the tv.


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