It's all good.

Saturday, March 04, 2006


My table and chair set arrived today, delivered by a most pleasant gentleman who even brought the very very heavy box into my apartment for me.

I spent the next few hours assembling the various pieces into a perfectly adequate table and four perfectly adequate chairs.

Away from the bright lights of the Wal-Mart showroom, the wood is a little more orangey than I would like. However, after a year-long search, it's nice to eat dinner in a civilized manner. Plus, think of the table accessories I can now shop for - candlesticks, centerpieces, napkins, placemats, seat cushions, tablecloths, table runners, etc.

Tonight I watched P&P3. I have been eagerly anticipating the release of this film on DVD. When I was in London, P&P3 was playing on one of the pay-per-view channels in our hotel room. When you tuned into that channel, you could watch a free preview of the movie in progress for about 2 minutes before being cut off. These snippets were more like a tease, really. Plus the Mr. Darcy buses made me also want to see the whole movie again.

P&P3 really cannot compare, in my humble opinion, to the masterful P&P2, but it certainly gets the job done. It would be a great introduction to the world of P&P for those who don't have the time to sit through the lengthy P&P2. After seeing it the second time, Keira Knightley's performance has grown on me, although I still don't like her hair. Is it an Oscar-worthy performance? Meh.

Speaking of, I find myself woefully unprepared for the Oscars this year. I haven't seen any of the Best Picture nominees. Usually by this time I have seen at least one. I had great plans to rent them all this weekend (cause nobody else would think of that), but some of them aren't even on DVD yet. That's how out of touch I am, I didn't even know that until I looked them up on amazon. I suppose I could rent the ones that are available on DVD, but then my viewing would be incomplete and my opinion would probably be biased towards the movies I have actually seen.

Of course, I probably will fall asleep before they give out Best Picture, since I have to work the next day. Perhaps I can content myself with enjoying Jon Stewart as host and gawking at all the pretty dresses instead.


At 10:57 p.m., Blogger Newsandseduction said...



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