It's all good.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Lazy day

It's been an entirely lazy day for me. I spent most of the day alternating between napping and watching more Olympics. More medals for Canada today! I can't believe Cindy Klassen and her awesomenicity. Woot!

As the Olys wind down, I now switch my focus to the Scott Tournament of Hearts. Thank goodness TSN is broadcasting the round robin this year. I don't think I could handle another debacle like CBC's pitiful, pathetic "coverage" last year. Don't even get me started.

My lone outing of the day was to the mall to buy a photo album. I am the worst for putting pictures in photo albums. I don't think I even owned a photo album before today. What I do have is a tower of shoeboxes (not even photo boxes) that are filled with unsorted envelopes of pictures. However, I am determined to show off my trip pictures, so I have actually had some pictures printed, and they are ready to go into their very own photo album.

When I was at the mall, I had an itch to buy some sort of DVD. What do you think? Should I buy Rent? or P&P3? or Grey's Anatomy season one? or Harry Potter 4? or Arrested Development Season 2? All of the above?


At 11:25 p.m., Blogger mel said...

That's a tough call. Ideally the answer would be all of the above, but after a reading week of way too much Arrested Development, my vote will have to go to the Bluths. I haven't laughed out loud at a tv show that much since Friends. Someday I will own it.

At 4:47 p.m., Blogger Lynda said...

Mel, I love the Bluths, too. I have season one right now, and I'm forcing myself to watch them slowly, so I can prolong my viewing enjoyment. I only have one more disc to go. Perhaps I'll go for season 2 after I finish.

Maybe I'll just go for all of the above. Who needs to eat? Or pay bills?

At 5:30 a.m., Blogger LuLu said...

Lynda! I am totally going to name drop now, but that's because this is so exciting! I called my grandparents today, from Oz, and they told me they were watching my cousin, Morgan, playing in the Scott for New Brunswick!!! (She's actually from Nova Scotia, but plays in your city- you can help cheer for annother adopted Frederictonian!)
In other news, I haven't found Grey's on TV yet, BUT the newspaper I subscribed to carries For Better or For Worse. A little bit of Canadiana. And I had raspberry cordial syrop in a drink the other day...and no one to share the joke with...
Cheers from the land of sun and surfers,

At 7:58 p.m., Blogger Catherine said...

I rented Anatomy last week, and I think that was good enough for me. The Bluths season 2, though, I was happy to invest in. The second season is better than the first (especially that lest episode!). Oh, and HP4 only encourages uncomfortable lustiness, so...

I actually wanted to let you know that your blog is thoroughly entertaining. I enjoy your writing style - it's like having you around, only in print, and I think we get to see a little more of your thought prosess. Congratulations, because there are a lot of terrible blogs out there.

At 11:08 p.m., Blogger Lynda said...

Laura: Your cousin is a curler! At the Scott! That's so awesome! I am totally going to watch for her all week long. Hope you're having fun in the sun, you lucky thing. It's frickin' cold here today.

Catherine: Bluths season 2 is looking more and more likely. However, due to my all-consuming obsession with P&P, I might have to buy the P&P3 DVD tomorrow. And thank you *so much* for your lovely compliments. I'm very happy not to have a terrible blog. I really like your blog, too. I read it every day. Seriously.


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