It's all good.

Friday, October 10, 2008


I'm sitting in my mom's basement, catching up on Thursday's tv - mainly Grey's and ER.

Rest assured, if I had seen Grey's last night, there would have been an immediate post about Dr. Sloan, ENT. So he's a plastic surgeon AND an ear, nose, and throat surgeon? Really? Not that I'm complaining. No, I wouldn't complain about Grey's at all.

I'm looking forward to ER's final season. I believe I have seen every episode of this series, and I have followed it faithfully from the beginning of its run. My life has changed a lot in 15 years. Jeepers. I can't believe I've been watching a show for 15 years!

I'm home in PEI for the weekend. I'm looking forward to spending time with friends and family. I'm also looking forward to eating curry. If I don't eat curry this weekend, I think my head is going to explode. I've been trying (quite unsuccessfully) to have curry the last few times I've been home. Maybe this weekend will be the lucky weekend!

October's going to be a busy month. Next week I go to Halifax for an audiology conference, and the week after that I'm off to Toronto for another conference AND a performance of The Sound of Music! Squee!

Happy Turkey Day weekend, everyone!


At 9:21 p.m., Blogger LuLu said...

Too cute- my aunt just bought SOM tickets as an early birthday present for my almost 9-year cousin. They're going to the added Thanksgiving Monday performance so I'll have to see what they thought!

At 10:01 p.m., Blogger Emily said...

Is that the performance with the How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria winner? That should be interesting!

At 11:42 a.m., Blogger Lynda said...

Excellent news, Laura! I will be curious to hear their feedback!

Emily! You are correct! My friends and I are going to see Elisha as Maria! Can't wait! :)


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