It's all good.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I'm skipping choir tonight. I'm way too tired to go. Last night, I spent copious amounts of time watching election coverage, phoning home to discuss results, and drinking mocktails made with my new martini shaker. I even had two tv's going at once. Getting up this morning was brutal. The people at work think I'm mental.

Perhaps I'm suffering from an election hangover.

P.S. The upside of skipping choir is I don't forget to tape Gilmore Girls.


At 12:25 a.m., Blogger mel said...

I don't know if you're as upset as I am, but GD it, the Gilmore Girls was a repeat! I came back from Toronto for this! (well, not quite, but still!)

At 5:37 p.m., Blogger Lynda said...

I was not upset, since I forget to tape Gilmore Girls every single Tuesday it's on. Did it used to be on Wednesday's? Cause that's where I run into trouble with remembering.

At 6:44 p.m., Blogger mel said...

I know it was on a different night last year, but I can't remember which. I did miss the first couple episodes of the season because of it though.


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