It's all good.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Indecision 2006/Indécision 2006

Did anyone else watch The Daily Show last night? If you did, you saw Jon Stewart poking fun at Mr. Martin and Mr. Harper in a most amusing way. It's nice to get some notice from our neighbours to the south, eh?

Meanwhile, Election Day continues to loom on the horizon. Are you all registered to vote? Can you feel the imminent doom?

For me, elections are like a sport. There are several teams, some more popular than others, all trying to rack up points (or seats, if you will), so they can win the game and become Prime Minister.

My favourite part is watching election coverage on tv. I love seeing the seat numbers go up and down throughout the night. One year (I think it was 1997), I remember hooking 2 tv's up in the same room just to watch CBC's coverage and CTV's coverage side by side.

It's almost as exciting as curling.

In other news - I have developed taste for Cool Whip. It's a very dangerous substance to have in my fridge. I'm going through it at an alarming rate, just eating spoonful after spoonful. Yum.

Also, I have decided it may be time to get rid of my Christmas tree. It's quite brown and brittle. I definitely have missed pick-up times, so I am thinking of chopping it into little pieces and putting them in garbage bags. That's what saws are for, right?


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