It's all good.

Friday, March 05, 2010


How can I possibly recap the Olympics in one blog post? I am only just getting over my Olympics withdrawal. I did end up watching Virtue and Moir win their gold medal live on tv in the middle of the night. Their performance was breathtaking. Staying up late may have been a poor decision, however, because I was completely zonked at work for the rest of the week. Perhaps I should have paced myself a little better. I had to wait until the next day to see Joannie skate.

I am so happy that Canada had such a great showing in the last weekend. The curling was great, and so was the speedskating. And, of course, there was the hockey game. Is there anyone who didn't watch at least part of the hockey game? I didn't think we were going to win after the US scored that goal at the end of the third period. And then we DID win!!!

I have now retired my beautiful red mittens. I hope to spend the next few years trying to figure out how to get to Sochi...