This is the last time I listen to my brother.
Last night I went to see District 9. I was really looking forward to see it. I have a lingering affection for aliens from my X-Files days, and several people (including my brother Jamie) had spoken highly of it. I envisioned it as the sleeper hit of the summer. I couldn't wait to hop onto the District 9 bandwagon.
I had forgotten how much I do not enjoy scenes of violence. And this movie had lots of it. Bodies being blown to shreds, with remnants covering the camera lens. Me no likey. When I watch a movie, I sometimes have difficulty detaching from the events on screen. It was really difficult to watch ruthless killings and seeing aliens suffer. Prawns have feelings too, you know.
In happier news, I am heading home for the weekend. I was supposed to attend a family golf tournament and picnic, but it has been cancelled because of the impending hurricane. I'm sure I'll manage to find something else to do. This is the last weekend Jamie has at home before he goes back to school. Rumor has it that he will be living in Halifax next summer, so I hope to enjoy some time with him while he is still at home. *sigh* Change is hard.
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