It's all good.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Did we skip spring?

It was 20 degrees here today. Seriously.

Monday there was a snowstorm, and I risked my life driving through ice pellets. And today, Michelle and I went running, and I wore shorts and a tshirt. I got a sunburn.

My sister was supposed to come for a visit on the weekend, but her plans changed, so she had to opt out. That's too bad, because I was really looking forward to seeing her. I have to say I'm also looking forward to sleeping in, since I've been up early every day this week.

And, because my life is not stressy enough, I figured out that my last choir concert of the season is on Mother's Day. Who's idea was that? My mom is in PEI, and that's where I want to be on Mother's Day. The Gray's musical is also playing that weekend. I haven't missed a high school musical at the Centre since 1994. I haven't ever missed Mother's Day. What to do?


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