The wheels on the bus
Why did I mention the bus in my last post? Why did I even tempt the fates?
In case you missed it, there was a blizzard on PEI on Saturday night. This is noteworthy in that it's APRIL (even my love of snow has its limits), and we got a lot of snow. So when I moved my dad's car today, I noticed a suspicious puddle of yellow fluid on the fresh blanket of snow beneath it.
Now, call me super cautious, but I didn't feel exactly confident about driving a few hundred km's with who knows what leaking from the bottom of a car that's not mine.
So, you guessed it, I had to take the bus home. I do not have fond feelings towards the bus. In fact, it was the craptacular, agonizing 6 hour bus rides from Saint John to Charlottetown that prompted me to purchase my car in 2003. Not to mention the fact that I also forced Michelle to take the bus, as she was supposed to ride with me today.
The bus ride was actually fairly decent. My mom packed me a lunch. Michelle and I got to sit together until Moncton, and we watched Ugly Betty on her laptop. We unexpectedly met the lovely Deidre at Borden, however since she was several rows ahead of us, we didn't get to converse with her. On the way from Moncton to Freddy, I had a chance to think some deep thoughts, which is always relaxing.
I'm glad to be back in my apartment. It will be nice to sleep in my own bed tonight. Tomorrow I become an audiologist again.
This weekend was a spectacular demonstration of the power of Murphy's Law. Friday I said to Dee, "I'll save space by not taking home my ski jacket liner and winter books because it won't snow anymore this year." Then it snowed. Saturday I said to my mother, "Boy, getting the mumps must stink. It's terrible timing for the students who are sick in Halifax." Then Sunday I came down with what appeared to be mumps. I've decided maybe I won't talk anymore.
Deidre, I knew that woman was a chatter... when when we stopped somewhere (Hunter River or Summerside or somewhere), she started chatting with the little girl across the aisle. She was very curious about her deaf mom.
The bus ride wasn't that bad, really. Really.
Phantom in Ottawa? I may need to do a road trip... are you there for the summer?
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