It's all good.

Thursday, April 05, 2007


I was slightly disappointed when I woke up today and discovered that my dizziness had returned. I knew my thoughts of recovery were too good to be true. Perhaps it was the physiotherapy I had yesterday, but my neck was sore today and my head was spinning like crazy. I tried to quiet my rolling brain by staying on the couch the whole day, but it didn't seem to help much.

Finally, I decided that some movement was in order, so I made cupcakes. Actually, I really wanted to eat some cake batter, and the cupcakes were a byproduct.

At least making the cupcakes distracted me for a bit. I am so going home tomorrow, even if I have to take a bus. *shudder*


At 8:45 p.m., Blogger LuLu said...

Easter Cupcakes!

At 2:33 a.m., Blogger Rosey said...

I had one and it was delicious! Ever since we made them in January I have craved vanilla cake mix cupcakes with vanilla frosting, so the lemon was delightful.


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