It's all good.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Chicken and stuffing

The closet cleaning frenzy continued today. I purged copious quantities of old, ill-fitting clothing. I have four full garbage bags for donation, and two full garbage bags for throwing away. I feel like I'm on one of those tv self-improvement shows where they show you the way to enlightenment through decluttering.

I became rather ruthless in my cleaning halfway through the afternoon, mostly because I wanted to get it done. I still have a ton of stuff to go through, but I'm done in for tonight, so I packed the rest of my stuff neatly back into the closet for another time. However, I will note that it is now possible to actually walk into my walk-in closet, instead of "peak your head in and climb on top of clutter to get what you want".

My greatest accomplishment of the day was roasting a whole chicken. This was only my second attempt at such a feat. The first occurred during my second year at Dal, and it resulted in an undercooked and inedible bird. Happily, tonight's venture was much more successful. It only took me six phone calls home to my mom to get it right. Leftover chicken and stuffing sandwiches tomorrow night!


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