It's all good.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Uncomfortably numb

You may remember my tooth tirade from March, in which I related my dismay at discovering I had several cavities is my teeth. I was doing a really good job at beating myself up about my dental neglect for a few days afterwards.

Then I had a car accident, and my thoughts shifted in a different direction, and they have been quite occupied with car accident related ponderings since that time.

However, today was my appointment to get my first ever fillings. I didn't have any major issues with the procedure itself, but I was somewhat upset (that's putting it mildly, actually) to discover that I actually have more than four cavities. At least, that's what I'm assuming, since my dentist filled three cavities on my upper right side today, and I thought I only had one there.

The freezing that they put in my mouth has yet to wear off, and I'm a little scared about what I'm going to feel like when it does. Like, how much pain am I going to have? Mammoth, searing pain? I don't deal well with that.

Meanwhile, I've bought a loaf of very soft bread, and I'm going to make some pudding for later. I'm afraid to eat, though, because the dentist said it might hurt. Not to mention the fact that the right side of my face is all droopy.

Stupid Lynda. Regular dental checkups are a good thing, everyone. Remember that.


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